Dr Lucie Turner

clinical psychologist, nature-based psychotherapist, couples counsellor, eating disorder specialist, iFS THerapist, psychedelic integration, shamanic practitioner in-training

Educated to doctoral level in Clinical Psychology (UK) this profession has been a foundation and a spring board into a deeper inquiry into life. It gives me a professional grounding and together with my 15 years working as a psychotherapist a robustness to holding people in their distress.

In my mid 20s I had ‘achieved’ and ‘possessed’ what many would consider all the ingredients to a content and happy life.. but I was not. This realisation was a blessing. After many years working in mental health teams and private practice I embarked on a profound journey of discovery that took me to spiritual teachers, deep meditation, retreat centers, to dive into life altering books, to stay in intentional communities trying to find new paradigms for life, and most importantly it took me into NATURE.

It was in nature that I discovered what I would call my ‘true self’ or others may say divine self or higher self. I began meditating in nature and found nature to be a compassionate mirror that helped me understand myself and offered answers as to how to personally grow and evolve. My ego or individualistic view of myself as separate to the earth was cracked open. It was no longer possible to keep this boundary of self and other.

I fell in love with Trees and the earth and retrained in ecotherapy, a school of therapy where nature is a therapeutic guide and therapy sessions may take place outside in nature or within inside sessions nature is used a central guide via metaphor, meditations, and visualisations.

I know my life purpose is both reconnecting with the sacredness of all life and helping others to do so too. Nature-based therapy is one such way. It is my belief that from this place of ‘oneness’ and reconnection to our true selves that we naturally want to love and take care of the earth and all forms of life, a movement that is much needed.

I retrained in Internal Family Systems therapy and Psychedelic Somatic Relational Psychotherapy and work assisting in psychedelic integration work. I am also Apprenticing in Intuitive Herbalism and separately, Ceramics.


Dr Charlie Sayer

Medical Doctor, Internal Family Systems and Shamanic practitioner.

Charlie offers shamanic healing, IFS and psychedelic integration sessions online and in-person in Sussex- please visit for more information.

We (Charlie & Lucie) offer a monthly donation-based IFS group in Sussex.


Lucie’s Professional Qualifications, Trainings and Registrations

  • Doctorate Clinical Psychology (DclinPsych) UK

  • Diploma Cognitive Analytic Therapy - UK

  • Ecotherapy - Earthbody Institute - CA, USA

  • Internal Family Systems Therapy - Life Architects, Poland

  • Intimacy from the Inside out (IFS Couple therapy) - IFS Portugal

  • Registered with the British Psychological society and the Health Professionals Council UK


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